Answer ⏱ 31ms
Part 1 :
Part 2 :
function hand_power($cards, $regex) {
$cards = $cards->sort()->reverse()->join("");
foreach ($regex as $i=>$r)
if (preg_match($r, $cards)) return $i;
return INF;
function solve($input, $power_regex, $ranks) {
return $input->lines->map(function ($line) use ($ranks, $power_regex) {
[$cards, $bid] = $line->split(" ");
$cards = $cards->chars()->map(fn ($c) => $ranks[$c]);
return [
hand_power($cards, $power_regex),
->sort(fn ($a, $b) =>
$b[1] <=> $a[1] ?: $a[0] <=> $b[0]
)->values()->map(fn ($hand, $i) =>
int($hand[2]) * ($i + 1)
, true)->sum();
// ==================================================
// > PART 1
// ==================================================
$ranks = array_combine(
array_merge(range("D", "A"), range(9, 1))
$solution_1 = solve($input, [
"/(.)\\1{4}/", // Five of a kind
"/(.)\\1{3}/", // Four of a kind
"/^(.)\\1{1,2}(.)\\2{1,2}$/", // Full house
"/(.)\\1{2}/", // Three of a kind
"/(.)\\1.?(.)\\2/", // Two pair
"/(.)\\1/", // One pair
], $ranks);
// ==================================================
// > PART 2
// ==================================================
$ranks["J"] = 0;
$solution_2 = solve($input, [
], $ranks);