function solve($input, $r) {
$out = "";
$j = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $input->lines->count(); $i++) {
$c = explode(" ", $input->lines[$i]->string);
// Break as soon as pattern is invalid
$pattern = substr($out, 0, -(strlen($out) % 2));
if ($pattern && !preg_match("/^(?:01)+$/", $pattern)) return false;
// If we reach 100k iteration without breaking the pattern, we have a valid pattern
if ($j++ > 100_000) return true;
switch ($c[0]) {
case "cpy":
if (!is_string($c[2])) break;
$r[$c[2]] = $r[$c[1]] ?? $c[1]; break;
case "inc":
$r[$c[1]]++; break;
case "dec":
$r[$c[1]]--; break;
case "jnz":
if ($r[$c[1]] ?? $c[1]) $i += ($r[$c[2]] ?? $c[2]) - 1; break;
case "out":
$out .= $r[$c[1]] ?? $c[1];
// ==================================================
// ==================================================
$r = array_fill_keys(["a", "b", "c", "d"], 0);
for ($solution_1 = 0;; $solution_1++) {
$r["a"] = $solution_1;
if (solve($input, $r)) break;
$solution_2 = "⭐";