* Simplify the grid into direct relations between keys
* with their shortest distance and the doors in between
function simplify($grid) {
// Find all the keys and their positions
$keys = $grid->reduce(function ($carry, $cell, $xy) {
if ($cell >= "a" && $cell <= "z" || $cell == "@")
$carry["$xy[0];$xy[1]"] = $cell;
return $carry;
}, set());
// Define graph : go to neighbors, but not walls
$graph = new Graph(function ($graph) use ($grid) {
return $grid->getNeighbors(explode(";", $graph->current))->remove("#", true)->map(fn () => 1);
// Compute direct relation, with path tracing
$direct = $graph->getDirectRelations($keys->keys(), true);
// Transform all positions into keys/doors
return $direct
->mapKeysRecursive(fn ($k) => (string) $keys[$k])
->callEach()->map(fn ($v) => [ // [path[], distance]
set($v[0])->map(fn ($k) => $grid->get(explode(";", $k)))
->filter(fn ($e) => $e >= "A" && $e <= "Z")
function reachable_keys($want, $have) {
return $want->removeKeys($have->map("strtolower"))->map(fn($v) =>
$v[0]->remove($have)->count() ? 0 : $v[1]
$keys = simplify(grid($input));
// ==================================================
// > PART 1 : Takes ~ 2sec
// > Solve using Dijkstra, going from keys to keys.
// ==================================================
[$path, $solution_1] = (new Graph(function ($graph) use ($keys) {
return reachable_keys($keys[$graph->pos], $graph->keys)->mapAssoc(fn ($key, $distance) =>
[$key . "|" . $graph->keys->merge([strtoupper($key)])->sort()->join("") => $distance]
// Stop when evey key has been found
->defineEnd(function ($graph) use ($keys) {
[$graph->pos, $graph->keys] = explode("|", $graph->current);
$graph->keys = set(str_split($graph->keys));
return count($graph->keys) >= count($keys);
// Start from @ with no key found
// ==================================================
// > PART 2 : Takes ~8sec
// > Greedier approch would be to make all outside keys available from the start.
// > It works on some inputs and is way way faster, but does not work on mine.
// ==================================================
// Prepare the 4 subgrids and compute their simplified versions
$grid = grid($input);
[$s, $w, $h] = [$grid->search("@"), $grid->width(), $grid->height()];
$grid->set($s, "#");
foreach ($grid->getNeighbors($s)->keys() as $xy) $grid->set(explode(";", $xy), "#");
$robots = set([
simplify($grid->set([$s[0] - 1, $s[1] - 1], "@")->sub([0, 0], [$s[0] + 1, $s[1] + 1])),
simplify($grid->set([$s[0] + 1, $s[1] - 1], "@")->sub([$s[0], 0], [$w, $s[1] + 1])),
simplify($grid->set([$s[0] - 1, $s[1] + 1], "@")->sub([0, $s[1]], [$s[0] + 1, $h])),
simplify($grid->set([$s[0] + 1, $s[1] + 1], "@")->sub([$s[0], $s[1]], [$w, $h])),
// Explore with 4 robots at a time, considering moving one of them each step
[$path, $solution_2] = (new Graph(function ($graph) use($robots) {
$next = [];
foreach ($graph->pos as $r=>$pos) {
foreach (reachable_keys($robots[$r][$pos], $graph->keys) as $key=>$dist) {
$pos = $graph->pos;
$pos[$r] = $key;
$next[implode("", $pos) . "|" . $graph->keys->merge([strtoupper($key)])->sort()->join("")] = $dist;
return $next;
->defineEnd(function ($graph) use ($keys) {
[$graph->pos, $graph->keys] = explode("|", $graph->current);
$graph->pos = str_split($graph->pos);
$graph->keys = set(str_split($graph->keys));
return count($graph->keys) >= count($keys);